Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why am I doing this?

A few months ago I decided to lose some weight with one a couple of little caveat(s). I have no time to exercise or work out and I looooveeee good food. I wanted to change my diet and eat healthier yet not compromise on taste. I found that it is possible to make delicious and healthy foods that are filling as well. By altering my diet and watching the calories, I've been pretty successful so far with my weight loss: 30 pounds in 3 months (with several weeks of splurging here and there). I tried to stick to more whole grains and less fattier foods rather than cutting out carbs completely or turning to slim fast diets. After some minor interest in the food I made and my recipes, I've decided to create this blog to share some of them with others. Enjoy and feel free to share your favorites.

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